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tv   Early Start With John Berman and Christine Romans  CNN  June 28, 2016 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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happening right now, the official report on the deadly benghazi terror attack, it has been released just this moment. we have advanced, exclusive access. markets rattled this morning, major meetings between european leaders, the british government in turmoil. the latest fallout from the brexit vote. good morning and welcome to "early start." i'm alison kosik. >> i'm christine romans. it is tuesday, june 28th, 5:00 a.m. in the east. let's start with breaking news this hour happening right now. the republican led house select committee on benghazi releasing key portions of this report on the 2012 attack in libya that
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killed four americans including the ambassador. during hillary clinton's time as secretary of state. cnn given exclusive advance access to part of the report. chief political correspondent dana bash has gone over that section. she has it in her hands. she joins us now. dana, the house created this select committee more than two years ago. finally this morning, this morning this report is coming out, you have seen some 200 pages of this document. what can you tell us about what is in there? >> we were given advanced exclusive access to a little more than 200 pages and we're told the full report is 802 pages. so the section we have seen describes the events leading up to the deadly attack on benghazi and the compound there. and the committee uses what they say are 75,000 new documents, 81 witnesses never questioned before congress.
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with the report we have seen paints a narrative of the benghazi outpost as a bureaucratic and diplomatic no-man's-land, which made it unnecessarily hard to get funding and security, even especially as things became so dangerous and the situation really deteriorated on the ground. but in what we have reviewed, there doesn't seem to be a smoking gun when it comes to hillary clinton, who, of course, was the secretary of state at her time and her culpability. but it does conclude the former secretary and her top aides had the intelligence to realize how high of a risk benghazi was for her personnel. this is one quote from the report we have. it says it is not clear what additional intelligence would have satisfied kennedy or the secretary in understanding the benghazi mission compound was at risk, short of an attack. >> one of the questions about that night in benghazi, a question around for years, why was ambassador chris stevens even in benghazi on september
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11th, 2012, when he knew it was so violent and when his security for u.s. personnel was so limited? did the committee shed any light on why he was there that day? >> this is the part where i think we learn a little bit more new information based on e-mails that they got for the first time from the late ambassador, other sources. the report says that ambassador stevens saw benghazi as a really crucial part of libya, wanted to make a permanent u.s. diplomatic consulate there. and what stevens learned was that funding would be available to make that happen, but only through the end of the fiscal year, september 30th at that time 2012. he had to act fast to make the case to secure the funding. and stevens is described as somebody who is really tenacious and took too many risks but this report actually notes he canceled a trip to benghazi a month earlier because it was too
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dangerous and there was one other thing. that is they were apparently preparing for hillary clinton to come the next month, so in october of 2012, in this report says that aides wanted to give her a deliverable when she did that. >> deliverable. democrats, though, dana, released their own minority report preemptively yesterday and accused republicans of basically this entire process of political witch-hunt of hillary clinton. does it look that way to you? >> from the section that we have seen, the majority report doesn't draw any conclusions at all. in fact, trey gowdy, the chairman, who we'll hear from later this morning, he wanted to release a lengthy narrative of events based on all of the interviews and the hearings they have conducted over the past two years, but not draw any conclusions as a way to prove this was if his perspective a fair investigation aimed at detailing a picture for the public so that they know what happened and it can be corrected for the future. two republicans on the committee don't think that that is sufficient. so they have written their own
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42 page report, where they do draw conclusions, including about secretary clinton's role in all of this. >> a lot to go through here this morning. stick with us, dana. we're going to continue to unpack what we know about these 200 pages that we have seen of this house committee on benghazi. >> while dana stays with us, we want to break down the politics of the benghazi report and the effect on the 2016 race. let's go to josh rogan, a columnist for the washington post. good morning to you. i understand that dana got 200 of the 802 pages. did the washington post get a different portion of those 800 pages as well? >> just to speak for myself, i did not get any pages. i did a bunch of reporting and i did read the summary that dana mentioned by mike pompeiio and jim jordan which represents a narrative based on the 800 pages. you had four sections, the section on what happened before the attack, why was the security
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not up to snuff, then a section on what happened during the attack where the committee seeks to present evidence that the response, while the attack was going on, was insufficient and senior officials didn't communicate and didn't know what was going on and didn't talk to each other, and then a section about after the attack, the talking points, how it was spun and all this stuff about how the administration claimed there was a protest but there was no protest, then the fourth section about compliance, section all about how the administration didn't really cooperate with the benghazi investigation. and what all of that adds up to is a lot of new details about what happened before, during and after the benghazi attack, but not a lot of exculpatory damming information that will change anyone's mind. >> so it doesn't give the scathing indictment of hillary clinton, but it does argue that intelligence was available suggesting an attack was possible and clinton and kennedy, a top aide, should have realized the risks posed to the benghazi mission by extremist
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groups. that's one finding. once again, this is not the outcome that republicans had been necessarily looking for. >> right. you gotit exactly right. there is a lot of evidence to show there were a lot of warnings about how dangerous the facility was, there were requests for security that were denied or ignored, and, you know, it seems clear that we left our diplomats in harm's way, without adequate protection and our nation suffered a dear price. now, all of that has already been out there. there have been seven investigations and what happened here is that this whole investigation is sort of become part and parcel of the bitter partisan debate over the benghazi issue that has gotten wrapped up with the presidential campaign. because republicans and democrats were so split on this committee, and we're just at war with each other, as much as they were trying to investigate the facts, it is really difficult to pick out what the committee came up with, that we didn't know already that is new and
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interesting from the sort of partisan plight over what was the money well spent and should hillary clinton really be held up for scrutiny. >> two years. let's look, dana, at what the democrats said, even before this was released. and i found this kind of their own indictment of the whole process. decades in the future, i had storians will look back on the investigation as a case study in how not to conduct a credible investigation and will showcase the proliferation of republican abuses as a chief example of what happens when politicians are allowed to use unlimited taxpayer dollars and the formidable power of congress to. trey gowdy saying the state department wasn't cooperative for us. you still have this same lines drawn, political battle lines drawn in the whole benghazi nightmare. >> my sense, you're right,
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christine. my sense is the democrats expected this to be much more of a political document. obviously inherently you have the person who is the head of this department, the secretary of state, hillary clinton, running for president, just a few months before an election to put this report out, the whole thing is inherently political. and it has the narrative and the discussion about what happened when she was at the helm of this department. having said that, when you look at the details, democrats, my sense is, expected it to be a lot tougher as josh was saying. and a lot more blalantblatantly partisan. there are two republicans who thought it should be go further than the chairman was determined it do. but when it comes to politics, maybe not so much. but i do have to say that, you know, in reading at least the part leading up to the attack,
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it is kind of mind numbing for people to really wrap their heads around the kind of bureaucratic mess that was the simple requests for security. and the fact that they approved, again, on secretary clinton's watch, whether or not she knew about all the details, they approved extending this mission in benghazi for an aentire year without giving the security and personnel needed to go along with that. >> we have so many more questions. we're going to bring you back later in the show to talk about it more. thanks so much, dane wa and jos donald trump campaigning in pennsylvania, ohio and west virginia. he's expected to deliver an economy speech, an economic policy speech, as his campaign readies a policy memo walking back his signature proposal banning muslims from entering the united states. walking back that proposal that
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launched him on to the national stage. this as trump hires a top communications aide from ted cruz's presidential campaign. taken together, these two moves seen as a sign perhaps trump may be finally shifting toward a softer tone for the general election. let's turn to phil mattingly. >> it is the tale of two donald trumps. there is the donald trump we have seen repeatedly on the campaign trail, on the attack, whether it is hillary clinton or hillary clinton's top surrogates. then the donald trump who is watching a campaign to prepare for the general election and that strategy now involves a policy paper that will ratchet back his muslim ban. now, it pertains according to advisers to just people coming from terrorist states, not all muslims. another sign that at least on the campaign side of things everybody is focused on the general election. but where is donald trump? that remains the question. off the campaign trail yesterday, back on it today.
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two very important appearances in battleground states, pennsylvania and ohio. but no question, donald trump is not going to pull off his attacks. neither is his surrogates. listen to what former massachusetts senator scott brown had to say when it came to elizabeth warren. >> she's not native american. she's not 1/32, no native american background except for what her family told her. the easy answer on that is you all know is that harvard can release the records, she can authorize the release of those records, she can take a dna test, release the records herself and there never has been any effort. >> brown's attack mimicking what trump said. he's going to continue to be himself. people told him to change since the primaries, he hasn't. and he won the republican nomination. now, the big question becomes going forward, are these just small changes on the campaign side of things or is this a full
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blown strategic shift? we'll have to wait and see as that plays out. alison and christine. >> so interesting on the campaign he stopped, not talking so much about deporting people here illegally, instead saying we should bring people in legally and stop talking about deportation. that might be a subtle shift as well. >> we shall watch how his campaign turns and shifts as time goes on. major fallout on the back of the brexit vote, resigning politicians shattering provinces and days of economic chaos, all wreaking havoc. will the markets rebound? the latest next. he new app? we're good. okay... what if a million people download the new app? we're good. five million? good. we scale on demand. hybrid infrastructure, boom. ok. what if 30 million people download the app? we're not good. we're total heroes. scale on demand with the number one company
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♪ british lawmakers meeting today to deal with the fallout from brexit. so much uncertainty now facing the country, the pound, its currency, plunging. what will happen to the uk economy? and who will replace prime minister david cameron come september? he says britain will not start the official withdrawal process
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until his successor is in place. that means more uncertainty, right. as cameron meets today with european leaders at a summit in brussels, they'll urge the uk to get the ball rolling sooner. for the latest, i want to bring in nic robertson live in brussels. you just have a moment to pause and reflect here for a moment. i mean, the beginning of my career, it was about getting rid of all of the european curren currencies, one currency, to one economic zone, to unity, together stronger, together rich, together happier. here we're in this unbelievable position where we're talking about retreating from that. just remarkable. >> you have all these leaders who work so hard to stitch this together over all those years and decades and worried that britain will unravel all of that. now, you got david cameron arriving here today, and, you know, for him, arriving to european union that will be sort of embarrassing, will try to explain what happened in britain
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and at the same time lay out why this is relevant for the european leaders. they're with him arriving here, they laid out clear red lines, no negotiation before you trigger this article 50, the only way to negotiate out of the european union. no side deals, no saying you want a little bit of business here and don't want the migrants here, that's another red light if they said, if you want access to the european markets, then you're going to have to allow freedom of movement and travel to people, to britain, which is what essentially so many people in britain voted to reject that notion. that's what david cameron will face here. back home, of course, leaving his own party in disarray, they don't have a leader, don't have a strategy for moving forward. the opposition party is in absolute disarray, a vote of no confidence in their leader and scotland as well, looking like it will break away. what a legacy for david cameron. as a political leader to walk in a room packed with political leaders here, somewhat of an
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embarrassment. >> just really something, really something to watch and this is only the early innings of whatever this game is going to look like. thank you for that, nic robertson. early start on your money. that brexit gloom giving way to a brexit bounce. most asian markets closed higher. european markets trading higher. that's decent, two almost 3% bounce in paris. but it comes after two very devastating days of losses. make no mistake, the damage the last two days has been significant and historic. more than $3 trillion in global stock market value erased. $3 trillion after the uk vote to exit the european union. the fallout just beginning of uk's perfect credit rating downgraded two notches by standard & poor's, the pound near a 30-year low. want to check u.s. futures quickly. they suggest a triple digit bounce today, but look at the last three months for the dow jones industrial average.
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yesterday, the dow lost 261 points. lowest level in more than three months. add in friday's 610 point loss, alison, talking about 900 points wiped away, wiped away from the dow. 900 points in two days. >> those two days and those traders are exhausted, but as much as we're going to see a bounce today, it may not stick around. a warning. >> i think it is going to be a crazy summer, between the election and the brexit of limitation, a crazy summer for investors. with the cubs looking to get back on track, one of their stars has a night for the history books. that's next.
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all right, no one in baseball history has ever had as good a night as chris brian and the cubs. >> andy scholes has more on his record-setting performance in the bleacher report. good morning. >> chris brian, a one man wrecking crew against the reds last night. he hit not one, not two, but three home runs in this game and on top of that, he added two doubles, no player had ever done that in the major leagues in those record books date back 103 years. 24-year-old is the youngest cubs player to ever hit three home runs in a game, beating ernie banks by ten days. chicago went on to win this one by a mile. a rough week for england continues, first, brexit, now the national team suffers a huge upset at the hands of iceland at the european championship. iceland had never even been in a knockout game. they eliminated the brick with a 2-1 win and just to put this
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upset in perspective, iceland has more volcanos than professional soccer players. the england manager makes $5 million a year, iceland's manager is a part after the loss. 19-year-old swimming phenom katie la decky is on her way to the rio olympics. she won the 400 meter freestyle. still the third fastest time in history. ledecky the overwhelming favorite to bring home the gold in a couple of months. it is interesting, qualifying for the olympics a very stressful time, and the u.s. olympic team, they brought in therapy dogs to hang out with all of the swimmers back in the loun loun lounge and getting great reviews. pretty interesting strategy by the u.s. olympic team. >> whatever it takes.
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we'll take it. >> thank you, andy. right now, new information released to benghazi report two years in the making. what we're learning coming up next.
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the official report on benghazi's horrific terror attack, the brand-new details. days of huge economic decline and a leadership vacuum leaving the uk reeling after its shocking brexit vote. market movesing again. we'll tell you what happens next. welcome back to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm alison kosik. the select committee on ben dpauz ghazi releasing key portions of the attack on libya that killed four americans during hillary clinton's time as secretary of state. cnn given exclusive advance access to part of the report.
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chief political correspondent dana bash has gone over that section, she's with us now. let me ask you this, the house created this select committee more than two years ago and finally this morning the report is out. tell us more about what sticks out to you about what you're seeing in this portion that you received. >> well, as you said, we were given a slice, a little more than 200 pages, but we're told of what will be an 802 page report. the section we have seen describes the events leading up to the deadly attack on the benghazi compound, september 11th, 2012. and the committee used what they say are 75,000 new documents, 81 witnesses never questioned by congress, and it paints a narrative of the benghazi outpost as a bureaucratic and diplomatic no-man's-land, which made it unnecessarily hard to get funding, and security, even and especially as it became so dangerous and the situation deteriorated so much. but in what we have reviewed, doesn't appear to be a smoking
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gun when it comes to hillary clinton's culpability. the report does conclude the former secretary and her top aides had the intelligence to realize just how risky benghazi was for her personnel there. and alison, one quote from the report, the portion that we got, it is not clear what additional intelligence would have satisfied either kennedy, one of her top aides, or the secretary, understanding that benghazi mission compound was at risk short of an attack. alison. >> there are a lot of questions over the years about this. one of the key questions was why ambassador chris stevens -- why he was even in benghazi on september 11th, 2012, when he knew it was so violent, and his security for u.s. personnel there was so limited. did the committee shed any new light on this? >> a little bit. this was fascinating and gives a little bit more of a picture of why. first of all, the report does say that ambassador stevens saw
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benghazi as a crucial, crucial part of libya and wanted the u.s. to have a permanent diplomatic post there, a consulate, and that stevens learned that funding would be available to make that happen, but only through the end of that fiscal year, september 30th. we had to act fast to make the case to secure the funding. also, this is important, e-mails indicate that secretary clinton and top aides planned a trip to libya, just one month later, in october of 2012. and a permanent consulate could be, a, quote, deliverable for her, that's part of the report. and stevens is described as somebody tenacious and took one too many risks, the report that we reviewed notes he actually canceled a trip to benghazi one month before he was killed because it was too dangerous. >> so the campaign, what are you hearing from them? >> we just got a tweet from a spokesman from the clinton campaign, brian fallon, who basically went after this as
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nothing more than political -- you see it, far from honoring the four brave americans who died, the benghazi committee has been a partisan sham since its start. this is clearly a way that democrats have been reacting since yesterday, in fact, the democrats produced their own minority report yesterday saying that they thought it was just political, just like what we just saw, but trey gowdy who is the chairman, made clear and he's likely going to do so later today, that this whole 800 page report is just a narrative and does not draw conclusions. he just wanted to have a lengthy narrative, explaining what happened, so that in the future things like this could be prevented. however, not all republicans on the committee were satisfied with this. and two republicans are releasing their own separate report based on this information where they do draw conclusions about 40 pages and they talk about secretary clinton and her
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role, very specifically they maintain it was the administration's desire to sweep a terror attack under the rug because it was so soon before the 2012 presidential election. >> when are we getting the other portion do you think? >> later this morning. we expect to see them in a press conference later this morning and shortly before the entire 800 pages will likely be released and probably put on the web for everybody to see. >> all right, dana, just stay with us now. >> want to break down the politics of this, the benghazi report and look into this further. and its effect on the 2016 race. josh rogan joins the conversation. a columnist for the washington post. good morning, josh. you heard dana's reporting there. no smoking gun, but still a lot of politics here. >> right. so while the committee spent two years and $7 million on this investigation, democrats are set to argue that that money did not produce anything that we really didn't already know about the night of the benghazi attack.
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but as dana reported, there are a lot of new details and what the details do is they strengthen the argument that, a, the facility wasn't prepared and was really -- during at tack, maybe not everything was done that is possible to try to speed resources to benghazi and, c, after the attack there was confusion and then some misdirection by the obama administration about what happened, was there a protest, was it an al qaeda linked group, what happened when susan rice went on all the sundae shows. while there is not a huge revelation here, this will bring back to the fore, in the context of the presidential campaign, all the criticisms of the obama administration and hillary clinton's actions that night. >> let me ask you this, do you think this report from what you've seen puts those conspiracies about benghazi to rest? >> well, important to note we have only seen the narrative of
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the days and the weeks and months leading up to the attack. one of the main questions that josh has been talking about that republicans have been accusing hillary clinton of is, you know, not being available and not being there during the attack to kind of be at the helm. now, it doesn't appear that this report senses that is true. doesn't seem to back that up. but what it does show is somebody who was very, very determined and interested in making what they thought was going to be a victory in the middle east, which is the spring awakening, libya eventually -- the gadhafi government falling. they thought it was going to be a legacy issue for hillary clinton and they were very much focused on that. and time and time again, they were focused on the diplomatic part, but it seems as though
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they were undercut by the fact that the security situation was so dire, and the administration's policy was no boots on the ground and yet you have people in these interviews and e-mails saying that they felt like they were, you know, in iraq or in afghanistan, but there they had military support and here they couldn't have it because it flew in the face of the administration policy. >> we should remember that chris stevens, the ambassador, was an evangelist for libya. and for really, i mean, clued in, you know, on the ground, making lots of trips and he wanted to make this, this sort of outpost into a -- this mission into a permanent consulate, right? you were getting more about that and sort of why he was there in the first place. >> that's exactly right. he was determined to do so. the committee interviewed the state department official who kind of set the wheels in motion
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to try to make it permanent, to extend the mission for another year because it was supposed to be done a year before they even were even killed. and it was in large part at the wishes of chris stevens because as you said he was so determined to try to make it work. but some of the things that are really mind boggling in here, for example, one of the senior state department officials who got one of the many requests that went unanswered or rejected for additional security said it wasn't in the proper format, it was in a cable format. that's the kind of bureaucratic thing that makes people goes bananas when you talk about somebody in security. that's one example of many of the kind of reasons why they didn't have proper security in such a dangerous place. >> the other sort of big story, a political -- the headlines no question, we heard donald trump use clinton's trustworthiness on the campaign trail, clinton refer to the issues herself, but
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i wanted to switch quickly to the other sort of big political story now. that is donald trump walking back his signature ban on all muslims coming into the united states, listen to trump here and then i want to get to your thoughts on the other side. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. >> it is a ban on muslims with exceptions and -- >> have to have exceptions. >> the way everybody read it was it was across the table. >> exceptions. you won't have a ban very long. >> and now we're hearing he's going to be softening some of this. what do you make of this, josh? >> well, kind of a flip-flop, isn't it? trump's muslim ban, which let's remember was right after the san bernardino attacks was not some
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sort of l.aark. it was a statement, it was planned, they put it out and they stuck to it, even in the face of severe criticism over recent weeks. the fact they're now sort of backing off of it will be portrayed by especially establishment republicans as a positive signal that donald trump is becoming presidential and respondinging to the wi int the party and nullifying his position. but the other part of it is you have a presidential candidate making broad pronouncements, putting out broad policies, that don't have any meat on them that can't be implemented in the real world. how do you ban muslims, what do you do? and then when he faces pressure, sort of changes them to fit the political whims. so for republican, this will be hailed as a positive sign. but for donald trump's detractors, seen as another stumble in his back and forth positions on this issue. >> thank you. >> i'm sure we'll hear more about benghazi as the day goes
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nbcuniversal's coverage of the rio olympic games. call or go online today to switch to x1. welcome back. time for an early start on your monday. brexit gloom gives way to a brexit bounce. most asia markets closed higher, european markets, trading higher. paris up 3%. it is a small bounce in the context of two days of huge losses. make no mistake, the damage the last couple of days has been significant and historic, more than $3 trillion in global stock market wealth erased after that uk vote to exit the european union. fallout only just beginning, the uk's perfect credit rating downgraded by standard & poor's, the pound near a 30-year low. watching u.s. stock futures suggesting a triple digit bounce
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today, dow up 100 points or so if this early trend holds this morning. president obama warning against economic hysteria. want to get more on the market reaction worldwide to brexit, joining me now, cnn's andrew stevens live from hong kong. the president, this npr interview, said that the uk, those uk voters hit the pause button on full european integration but cautioned against taking it too far. gave norway as an example, strong ally of the united states, not in the european union. at the same time, you have the uk treasury chief saying, you know, you absolutely will have to raise taxes, you will have the uk a poor country because of all of this. bring us up to speed on where we are now on brexit. >> it is so fast moving. good morning to you, christine, about where we are. let me start with the markets. with we're seeing that bounce you're talking about. it gives you an idea of how far and fast the markets are
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falling. and the president talking about hysteria. to be honest, we haven't seen it in the markets. the traders who talked to us say it has been an orderly sell-off, a sell-off on epic proportions, but not trying everything out, just trying to scramble out of the markets. there is that in its favor. where we go from here what the politicians are saying, be calm and be reasoned and rational and take it to the next level in the calm manner. that is what we don't know at the moment. the english government made it very clear they're not going to trig they are article 50, which officially starts the ball rolling about getting out of the european union. and by the same token, the germans are saying you got to move very quickly, angela merkel saying the same thing. big standoffs internationally about where we go from here. and i think what we're seeing in the markets today is what the traders are talking about, volatility, expect massive volatility in this -- this is what we're seeing.
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up down, up down, will continue until we get clarity. >> clarity and -- ultimate resolution could take two years, clarity on next moves could take days and weeks as we know markets hate uncertainty, the enemy of planning, the enemy of investment. buckle up for an interesting summer. let's look at what's coming up on new day. allison cammarata joining us now. >> as you've been talking about all morning, the house report on benghazi is expected to become public. we have already gotten our hands on many of the documents to see what the conclusions are, so we will share the findings this morning as well as the impact on hillary clinton. also, we will be speaking with the republican on the committee who wrote his own scathing addendum to this huge report. so we'll be going through all of that. meanwhile, as you were just mentioning, markets trying to stabilize after the brexit vote and days of drops. we'll be speaking with former
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british prime minister tony blair about what is next for the uk as well as former treasury secretary larry summers about how he believes this will impact the u.s. we'll see you guys in nine minutes. >> see you in a bit. the other big business story, volkswagen agreeing the biggest fine ever, ever paid by an automaker, we'll tell you how big, who gets that money and early start on your money next. . he is. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. always be you.
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all right, welcome back. busy morning, folks. early start on the money. brexit gloom gives way to brexit bounce. european markets higher, small bounce after two days of big losses. make no mistake, the damage the last couple of days has been significant. it has been historic. more than $3 trillion in global stock market value erased after that uk vote to exit the european union. in the fallout only just
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beginning, the uk's perfect credit rating downgraded two notches by standard & poor's. the pound still near a 30-year low. looking at u.s. futures here, they suggest a triple digit bounce if the early mood holds. put that in context, look at the three-month chart. the dow lost 261 points, the lowest level in more than three months. add in friday's 610 point loss, you're talking about 900 dow points wiped away since thursday. volkswagen set to announce a record $15 billion settlement in its emissions scandal, according to sources familiar with the settlement. vw admitting it sold about 11 million cars with software designed to cheat emissions tests. $15 billion settlement, much higher than the fines paid by other carmakers for wrongdoing. it would cover consumer claims, it would cover fines. a federal court still has to approve that deal and the company faces additional civil
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and criminal investigations. ikea recalling millions of dressers that can tip over after the death of three children. these popular dressers can fall over if they're not fastened to the wall. this problem has been linked to several styles of dressers, but it was the mahm chest and dressers linked to the deaths. they'll be recalled by ikea. more details about the benghazi report released this morning. "new day" begins right now. i made mistakes. i don't know anyone who hasn't. >> the official report on the deadly benghazi terror attack released. >> it is kind of mind numbing to really wrap their heads around the kind of bureaucratic mess. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. >> you think countries linked
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to -- in terms of immigration. >> it is about making sure the immigration policies of our country put americans -- >> if you come up with this new policy, it is acs idiotic as th first one. >> with this historic ruling, justice has been served and our clinics can stay open. >> as controversy surrounds the reaction. >> this is cnn breaking news. >> good morning, everyone. welcome to your new day. victor blackwell joins us today. great to have you here. we have a lot of breaking news to get to now. house republicans will release their long awaited report on the benghazi terror attack today. cnn exclusively obtaining a portion of that report, which finds among other things that then secretary of state hillary clinton should have realized the risks. >> democrats on the committee and clinton's campaign are already blasting the report, so is there a smoking gun that could impact the 2016 race?
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that's the question and we're getting on the answers for you this morning. complete coverage with cnn chief political correspondent dana bash live in washington. the house created this select committee more than two years ago. what the committee says they got the information using 75,000 new documents, 81 witnesses never questioned by congress before. it paints the narrative of the outpost of benghazi as a no man's land which made it hard to get crucial funding, even more crucial security and especially given


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